Thursday, February 14, 2008

So Overrated

I walked into the lobby of my place of work to find a botanical garden had grown there overnight. The place was filled with all types of flower arrangements delivered and not yet distributed to their recipients. The women gasped over how beautiful they were and I couldn't help but want to vomit.

A friend text messaged me and told me how sad she was because she would be spending her time alone while her husband was working and how he never pays attention to her. I told her to get over it and she replied in a very offended mood and told me that she is a woman and women care more about these things. She should already know by now that her husband is the worst when it comes to these things and well honestly, goesn't give a damn. Still she insists that she wants his attention today when the man is working to pay the bills because he MUST. You just can't have your cake and eat it too.

I have never celebrated Valentine's day because I've never been in a relationship during this much overrated holiday. By the way, let me tell you now that I am a homosexual male. I think it's just made up by the companies to sell cards and candy and flowers. Tomorrow, when all this is over, the people will go back to their sad little lives, lonely, some not all, and live the lives they were living before today. And the flowers will wither away and the pounds pack on from all the candy and still everything will remain the same. That dozen of roses didn't change a damn thing but only show off to your friends and coworkers that you have someone.

Who even invented Valentine's day? It's not like there was a huge even in which something heroic, tragic, or meaningful happened to have made this a holiday. Who proclaimed: "Hear ye, hear ye. Today is Valentine's day."?

It's my dad's birthday. It's the day in which he was born some fifty years ago and well today I came to work without wishing him a happy birthday. See, the thing about me is that I don't take these things too seriously like a lot of others do. To me saying "Happy birthday" doesn't mean a darn thing. I feel it's just something you must say because it's become tradition to. I equate this to the everyday "Good morning". People don't really care if you do or not. It's just a custom to say so and no longer has meaning.

I love my dad so much but we don't have the best of relationships. We get along well and all. It's just that we are so different and sometimes I feel like I didn't come out the way that he expected and wanted me to. Sometimes I wonder if he wishes he'd never had me. I don't have money to buy him anything. Luckily, tomorrow is pay day and I plan to take him out to dinner at this seafood place he's always wanted to go but never has.

This place is actually not bad at all. I still dont' know how to look for others but hey if you know how to or if you want me to read your blogs let me know! I like to look into others' lives and I'm not sure this works like Myspace where you can subscribe and all of that but I thought I'd ask for some help.

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