Thursday, February 14, 2008


Wishful thinking.

I've been thinking that maybe it's a good idea that I take a vacation. Although I would like to go somewhere exotic and far away, I'm afraid that just won't happen unless all of a sudden I win the lottery, win some fantasy vacation, or find me a rich sugar-daddy. None of those are probable but still I feel like I need to get away from all of this for a good week or so. Heck, a weekend would do but a week would be much nicer.

By the end of this month I will be here six months and with that come my two-week vacation time. I am so tempted to use it right away because I don't know how much longer or if I will be here to enjoy it and take it off and I would hate it to go to waste. I want to go to New York City. It seems like I'm one of those few that has never been there. I hear that it's a lot of fun and would like to visit very soon. I would like to do it late this summer. I need to find someone who I trust to go along with me to not feel so lonely and share expenses as I hear it is pricey there. If not I'll go alone.

Not so far away is my grandfather's birthday. In June if I'm not mistaken, he will be turning the big 8-0 and I want to be there for that. It's in a small city called Eagle Pass that I haven't been to in years, about five to be exact, and although it would be nice to see my family, I know I will get very bored there and very fast. I just have to look at it on the bright side. There has to be something there that I can try. Maybe I can go practice my driving skills.

I'm 24 and I don't have much driving experience because if you don't know, I suffer from severy anxiety and panic attacks and that gets to me and has crippled a lot of opportunities and activies I could have done and gotten myself involved with. It is less crowded there and I could do that and bond with family. I feel so lonely.

So it's up in the air, but I need to get away as fast as I can. At this point it doesn't matter where, just somewhere different.

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