Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'm No Good

I'm currently totally in love with Amy Winehouse. I just can't get my fix of her. (no pun intended)

All the crap aside, we know about all of her issues and woes with drugs, alcohol and bulimia. She's married to another junkie and goes on drug and alcohol binges. It seems that she's known mostly for that and the irony that her major hit is a song about her refusing to go to rehab and then actually being there.

Call me Johnny-Come-Lately. I've caught on to the Amy Winehouse craze just recently and I just can't get enough of her. I search the net for pictures and gossip about her. One of the places I like to stop by quite frequently is the Perez Hilton website. He has all the juicy gossip about Amy and other celebrities. Included in there are many stories about Amy and pictures of her high out of her mind and walking through the streets of London in bloody slippers very distraught.

What is it about her that attracts me so much?

Am I the only one that finds this woman just gorgeous? I sometimes think so. When I ask people what they think of Mrs. Winehouse all I seem to get are looks of disgust and the "Ew". It's my aesthetic. I like the frail and damaged/broken look. Although she's not healthy, I would still like her no matter how she looks. She's got style with those ballerina slip ons, the beehive hair, and the elongated eyelashes. Of course, her best attribute is one that you can't see, but hear and feel: her voice.

I've dedicated a wall of my cubicle to Amy. I've posted pictures of her and people who walk by stop and stare at it and acknowledge how much they like her music but are not so much captivated by her.

Seeing her win a whopping 5 Grammys this past Sunday made me shiver. Her reaction to winning was so genuine and for a few seconds, while she stood there in awe, I saw that fragile girl that doesn't want to be that way and is troubled. I associate with her music. Not that I need to go to rehab (just yet) or I don't cheat as she sings about in I'm No Good, but I feel that way. She killed it. The performance was awesome. Great eye contact. It was fierce.

I feel like I'm not good. I told you I was trouble.

I hope she gets better. I wish her the best of luck and with time I think she will become an icon. How could you not love her!

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